The Problem:
In the United States abortion was made legal in 1973. Since that time approximately 50 million abortions have occurred in the United States. This not only represents 50 million babies whose lives were lost, but this also represents millions upon millions of mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings and the tree goes on and on.
In the United States close to 70% of the women who have abortions claim to have some form of Judeo-Christian affiliation or belief system.
Internationally, the abortion numbers are too staggering to even grasp, but there are approximately 42-50 million children aborted every year throughout the world.
Thus, the abortion wounded heart is a huge global issue. It is a deadly blight on the land and on the peoples of the earth, but it is hidden. It is not recognized as a crisis in our world like starvation or disease, but it is every bit as deadly to the soul and the spirit of the nations. But take heart because this is also an issue that is on the heart of God. He not only grieves for the lost destinies of the children whose lives were snatched from this world, but He also grieves for the mothers and fathers who were also robbed of their destiny in this world.
Our Response:
Deeper Still is a ministry of God’s mercy and healing power. He is ready to lavish His love and mercy upon this broken world. Through our Deeper Still retreats, we have come to realize the power of Christian women in community by reaching out to women who are still held captive by the guilt, shame and grief of their past mistakes. The body of Christ has been left on this earth to bring good news of salvation to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted and to set the captive free.
We also recognize the immense need for the fathers of aborted children to receive healing and reconciliation from their role in abortion.
God is not overwhelmed by these numbers, nor has He left us powerless to meet the need. Rather, He chooses to use His people as His hands, His mouth and His heart. We who make up Deeper Still are simply saying “yes” to being part of God’s method of healing and restoration.